How To Remove Shrink Wrap From Boat

how to remove shrink wrap from boat

We finally remove the shrink wrap from our boat after a long winter in the pacific northwest. more on our website: Utility knife, plastic/shrink wrap slitter (a heavy duty envelope opener works just as well). depending on size of boat and wind an extra set of hands is welcomed. steps: 1. cut all strings securing shrink wrap to boat and/or trailer. 2. make a cut parallel to the ground 6-10 inches above the bottom edge of the wrap completely around the boat.. Place your shrink wrap material over the boat. run it over the perimeter band and then tuck the excess material behind the perimeter band. you may need to trim excess shrink wrap near the bow and stern of the boat. in these sections the shrink wrap will be folded into pleats. use a heat gun to shrink wrap the boat. begin to shrink wrap your boat..

How to Winterize Shrink wrap a boat or Jet Ski - YouTube

How to winterize shrink wrap a boat or jet ski - youtube

Boat Shrink Wrapping Services | Pro Shrink Wrapping and ...

Boat shrink wrapping services | pro shrink wrapping and

how to remove shrink wrap from boat If your product is a soft product and easily punctured or containing a liquid, use caution when removing shrink wrap. step 2 use a finger to press against the shrink wrap. firmly press a fingernail or finger into the shrink wrap plastic until the plastic breaks and you can insert a finger under the plastic film.. Boat shrinkwrap will provide good protection for your boat in storage, but it's not cheap. bill toth has found a way to counteract that. if done correctly with care given for removal, storage, and re-installation, one can get many years out of one wrap job. i am on my sixth year..
